Introducing the SewWhat Box (+5 Things I Love About It)

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Getting new goodies sent to my house, whether they’re project boxes I’m subscribed to or the products of a late-night Amazon shopping binge, is always exciting. 

One of the most recent small joys to arrive on my doorstep was the Sew What Box, which I quickly stitched and displayed in my house. Want to learn more about my experience?

Read along for my Sew What Box review, including what I sewed, my favorite parts of the box, and what I wish were slightly different. 

sew what box reviews

What Came In My Sew What Box

what came in my sew what box

First, each Sew What Box includes everything (fabric, notions, and printed instructions) you need to complete one sewing project, plus a few surprise monthly treats. 

While you can view the contents of the previous month’s boxes and the upcoming box on the website, here’s what came in one of my boxes.

1. Couch Organizer Sewing Project Supplies

the notions included with the sew what box

  • Print instructions with a link to the website’s video
  • Precut fabric
  • Bias binding
  • Sewing machine needle
  • Pins
  • Gutermann black thread

2. Extras

the extra fabric that was included

  • Two fat quarters
  • A ribbon that can be cut to create project tags

the bo nash included with the box

  • Bo-Nash Iron Clean sheets (I’d never heard of these before!)
  • Short ironing FYI

another sew what box example

Another project box that I received is this cute storage basket box, which I used to sew the two below storage baskets. 

fabric baskets I made from the sew what box

Thoughts on Project Complexity

sew what project completed

My initial concern was that many Sew What Box reviews stated the box was too simple. And, the instructions even mention it’s geared for ages 8+. 

Now, the projects are indeed easier and quicker to complete than most sewing project boxes I’ve tried. 

For example, competitors like IndieStitch (where you sew an entire outfit piece) or Annie’s Kit Club (where you stitch a small quilting project) are more considerable time investments.

However, nothing is wrong with something that won’t challenge intermediate or advanced sewists or take multiple hours to complete.

Also, regarding the specified age range, I have a 7-year-old daughter, and I don’t think she’s ready for this box, at least, quite yet. 

While she can sew two pieces of fabric together and follow basic instructions, she could not have sewn the binding or understood how to bind corners without my continued help. 

All that to say, the projects aren’t so simple that they’re a bore. 

Where to Buy It

You can purchase the Sew What Box directly through the official website, or you can purchase it through CrateJoy, which is a subscription box platform. 

5 Things I Love About the Sew What Box

Okay, so how did things go, and why is the box worth the subscription cost?

Here are 5 reasons to love it. 

1. Thoughtful Curation By a Specific Person

gift tags included notion

Unlike sewing subscription boxes created by faceless corporations, the Sew What Box is curated monthly by Taylar the Tailor. 

There’s something fun about having a relationship (even though it’s only through the mail!) with an actual person to whom you can put a name and face. 

2. Fabric is Precut

I have a connective tissue disorder that affects my joints, so anytime I can find precut fabric or use one of my electronic or die-cutting fabric machines rather than scissors is a score. 

The fabrics were also very accurately cut, which I can’t always say about some of my pattern pieces when I’m not paying 100% attention to the task.  

3. The Success of Completion Comes Soon

I’ve been working on (and by working, I mean staring at, stressing about, and begrudgingly poking at occasionally) a quilt for my Mom. 

I started strong by cutting what felt like thousands of odd-sized pieces and then creating complicated blocks where matching seams was more difficult than usual, and I just puttered out of motivation. 

Procrastination really wears on me, and I also love completion. 

This is why I loved the Sew What Box–it’s almost impossible not to complete the box in one day and feel that beautiful rush of joy when a project is FINALLY FINISHED. 

4. The Box is Just Too Cute

the super cute sew what box

It really is the whole package with its branded interior contents and even a branded shipping box. 

My daughters loved the box so much that they fought over who would get to keep it and color it like a coloring book. 

5. Practically Everything You Need Is Included

Everything is included, down to the needle you put in your sewing machine and the sewing pins. 

This takes the guesswork out of supply selection, and I only had to grab scissors to snip the binding and an iron to press as I went. 

Plus, adding extra supplies to boost your supplies stash is a big perk if you’re a beginner sewist.

Things That Could Improve

Life is not all puppies rolling in fields of flowers, and I feel like no review is balanced without providing some downfalls to a product. 

I’ve definitely enjoyed my Sew What Box, but here are some super picky things that I think would be fun to have associated with the Sew What Box. 

1. Bigger Instructions Sheet

These eyes are approaching 40, and I tell you, I now understand what all my patients say about fonts and pictures being too small. 

2. Fabric Selection Option

I loved the remote armchair caddy I received in this month’s subscription box, but our living room couches are brown, so the caddy didn’t match well.

my couch organizer project

I’m not complaining, as it looks great with our gray couch in our kid’s playroom, and it can hold my Kindle there. 

However, allowing users to log in and choose from two or more fabric palettes would be a nice touch.

I know this would make things much more difficult for Taylar, though, so I totally understand why she doesn’t do it!

3. Additional Fabric Information

Like a fabric sample that was sent in your box? Knowing the designer would be an excellent way to purchase extra for your stash.

Or, if you botch a project so bad you can’t salvage it, having a lead for where to purchase extra fabric to replace the botched section would be nice!


So far, my experience has been nothing but positive, so I’d love to hear your thoughts. Anything you love or hate about the Sew What Box?

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